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I’m Famous. You Might as Well Know the Truth.

July 28, 2019 by Diane

This week, I was featured on, a website which offers inspirational interviews from professional writers who share their secrets to success. Why me?

Because I actually make money as a writer.

I know, right?

If you’re curious about how this miracle came to be and exactly what I do when I’m not blogging about the nutty stuff that drives me nutty, or if you’d like a bit of sage writing advice from a hack like me, then I urge you, nay, implore you, to visit the site and read my interview by clicking here. And please leave a comment! is the brainchild of the wonderful Colleen M Story. In addition to the weekly interviews featured on her site, Colleen also writes about writing and wellness, which you’ll find a link to here. And she wrote two terrific books: Writer Get Noticed!, and Overwhelmed Writer Rescue, the latter of which was probably written for me. Because, you know, I’m famous.

So, what are you waiting for? Skedaddle on over, peel back the writer’s curtain and unlock the mystery behind my disguise. And if you know a budding author eager to make a career with words, direct them to the site so they can poke around and learn from some of the pros.


  1. Joan says:

    Diane…that is so COOL!!!

  2. Mrs. Vana says:

    Amazing opportunity for you!

    Sadly, the link to the interview threw me a 404 error (the page does not exist). Is there another place I could go to read about it?

    • Diane says:

      Thanks for pointing that out! It looks like that site no longer exists. I will look into reviving it on my blog, and get back to you.

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